Goddard Retirees & Alumni Association Luncheon Presentations



August 13, 2024 Dr. Makenzie Lystrup, Goddard Space Flight Center Director

Slides: PowerPoint
Goddard 2040: Current and Future Vision of the Center
April 16, 2024 Tom Bridgman, NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio Visualizing the Heliosphere
March 12, 2024 Nickalaus Pinkine, the Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory’s Parker Solar Probe’s Mission Operations Manager Parker Solar Probe Mission Operations Challenges during Commissioning and Beyond
February 13, 2024 Matt Greenhouse, Astrophysicist, Lab for Observational Cosmology, Project Scientist for Science Instruments, JWST The James Webb Space Telescope Mission
January 9, 2024 Ralph Kahn, Aerosol Scientist (retired) for the NASA Earth Observing System's Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument

Slides: PowerPoint, PDF
Reducing the Uncertainty in Climate Predictions: Steps Toward Realizing the Potential of NASA’s Earth Observing System, and Reducing Aerosol Related Climate-Forcing Uncertainty
November 14, 2023 Michael Moreau, Goddard's OSIRIS-REx Deputy Project Manager and SRC Recovery Lead Science Mission Operations Project Mission Operations Manager To Bennu and Back—Return Sample from a Near Earth Asteroid
August 8, 2023 Alice Bowman, Mission Operations Manager and Group Leader in the Space Department at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) New Horizons: NASA's Mission to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt
July 11, 2023 Dr. Julie McEnery, Nancy Grace Roman Project Scientist The Nancy Grace Roman Telescope - Getting Out From Under the Lamppost
April 11 2023 Michael Johnson, Chief Technologist in Goddard’s Engineering and Technology Directorate (ETD), Code 500 The Future of Goddard Engineering
March 14, 2023 Elaine Shell, Flight Software Branch Head at GSFC (retired), Jonathan Wilmot, cFS Software Architect, and David McComas, former Flight Software Engineer and founder of the nonprofit Open STEMware Foundation.


The Core Flight System (cFS) - Jonathan Wilmot NASA/GSFC
The Core Flight System & The Space Industry Transformation - David McComas
The core Flight System (cFS) Software
February 14, 2023 Mark Lupisella, Goddard's Exploration Integration Manager, and Cliff Brambora, Lunar Ice Cube Manager and a recent retiree How Goddard is Contributing to Artemis
January 10, 2023 Michael Chesnes, Manager of Select Federal Services at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Library Library Information Services
November 18, 2022 David Pierce, the Director of the Wallops Flight Facility (WFF) Wallops Flight Facility: A Unique NASA and National Asset
August 9, 2022 Jody Davis, Deputy Payload Systems Engineer for the Roman telescope project in the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Engineering Directorate Roman Space Telescope: Personal Experiences & Engineering Challenges
June 14, 2022Dr. James Garvin, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Chief Scientist Sounding the Venus Atmosphere with DAVINCI
May 10, 2022Dr. Michelle Thaller, Goddard astronomer and science communicator The James Webb Space Telescope: New Eyes on the Universe
April 12, 2022Dr. Paul Mahaffy, Goddard Emeritus Scientist and retired Solar System Exploration Division Chief Goddard’s Contributions to the Exploration of Planets, Moon, and Primitive Bodies in the Solar System
March 8, 2022Matt Radcliff, Senior Video and Multimedia Producer in the Goddard Office of Communications Bringing NASA’s Story Back Down to Earth
February 8, 2022Dr. James Irons, retired Director of the Earth Sciences Division & Landsat 8 Project Scientist Earth Science at GSFC
November 9, 2021Dr. David DeVorkin, Senior Curator, History of Astronomy and the Space Sciences, at the National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution Science with a Vengeance: How the Military Created the US Space Sciences after World War II