About Goddard Retirees & Alumni Association

Started in 1983, GRAA affords a medium for continuing communication, both among its members and with activities of the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Membership is open to all retired GSFC-Greenbelt civil service employees, alumni and spouses. To join GRAA, send an email message to goddardretirees@gmail.com with your name and contact information. Other persons may participate in club activities as associate members (guests). The mailing list now includes about 2400 former GSFC employees scattered all over the United States and some foreign countries; however most reside in the Washington area.

Composed of veterans of many space projects, the membership provides an extensive pool of understanding of both the technology and history of the U.S. space program. Many members are involved in volunteer work. For example, some provide assistance to the GSFC Office of Public Affairs, staffing posts at the GSFC visitor center, giving talks and demonstrations at schools, and sharing their knowledge and experiences with younger people. Some, on request, provide staff assistance to currently under-funded GSFC projects. Some remain active in scientific or engineering societies, presenting papers, and participating in technical conferences. Some serve as judges at science fairs. Some volunteer in completely non-scientific work, such as operating a truck which collects and transports household goods to the needy of Appalachia, and cleaning up roadside trash near GSFC, etc.

Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month, except December, at 11:15 AM at the American Legion Post #136, 6900 Greenbelt Road, Greenbelt, MD. The guest speakers often lecture on current activities at Goddard and NASA, but sometimes address topics of special interest to retirees, such as "how to stay healthy". A GRAA newsletter is issued monthly, and a membership directory every other year.

All of GRAA's administration is performed by volunteers. This includes editing the newsletter, taking lunchion reservations and running the reception desk for lunch meetings, maintaining the databases on finances and member addresses, and arranging programs. No dues are charged at this time, the Association being sustained financially by voluntary contributions from members. In 1992 GRAA became a sanctioned club of the Goddard Employees' Welfare Association (GEWA).

PDF icon Constitution
PDF icon By-laws